Judgement Day and Free Will

6- Judgement Day and Free Will:

A- To the question “Is it true that Daheshism calls for an apocalyptic end of civilization? If so, what is the justification for its occurrence?”

Dr Dahesh responds:
The answer is in the atomic and hydrogen bombs that nations are racing to develop and to stockpile. One day, when insanity replaces wisdom in the minds of leaders and their followers; when materialistic values dominate at the expense of spiritual values; and when decadence becomes extreme compared to righteousness, only then a horrible war may take place and employing such devastating and devilish weapons that end up destroying Earth and poisoning the atmosphere of our gloomy planet with radiation for thousands of years. In this manner, the destruction of the human race will take place. There is vivid description in “Revelation,” of the fate of our planet during the final days and how our planet will be filled with misery and disease. You should read this chapter to broaden your knowledge.

B- To the question “It became clear to me, from one of the questions addressed to you in the third issue of this magazine that the destruction of Earth is coming soon, and you have been very honest about it, however, if you look through history, you will always find pessimists in every period—especially during times of disasters and wars, yet destruction never took place. How do you respond?”

Dr Dahesh responds:
You are free to believe what you may. Your beliefs will not change the order of events and the reality of things. In the past, people thought that the “great flood” would not take place, but that did not prevent the flood from happening. There is difference between what people say and what the Spirit says. Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. What good has humanity produced? Anyone that doesn’t see the difference between a war that is being fought with a sword or a rifle and a war that is being fought with atomic and hydrogen bombs sees no difference between candlelight and sunrays. Anyone who trusts the wisdom of man is blind. No one asked mankind for their permission when Sodom and Gomorrah were rained on with fire.

C- To the question “It seems to me, from reading earlier issues of this magazine that the destruction of humanity is nearing and that it will be done through a nuclear war. If this is a certainty, then humanity is not free in determining its destiny. Couldn’t nuclear nations collectively destroy their stockpiles of nuclear arsenal and avoid destruction?”
Dr. Dahesh answers:

Man is free and this freedom leads him towards good or evil deeds, which in turn, determine his destiny. Unfortunately, the will of humanity has in the past and continues to drive man towards oppression and boundless materialistic greed. Man’s free will that was aimed at hatred and exploitation, led nations to World War I. As if, the tragedies and horrors of this war wasn’t enough, their free will led to World War II, where atrocities of this war did not bother them either. In spite of the peace conferences and the call to coexistence, they race towards building and improving instruments of death and destruction. They have advanced the technology and produced the Atomic, Hydrogen, and other types of “devilish” bombs. Nothing seems to indicate that wisdom, contentment, and peace will take control of their souls.

Yes, human beings are free, and it is through their free will that the ghost of total destruction can be kept away. If they extract from within their souls the evil inclinations and adversarial desires; make concessions on their greedy ambitions; marginalize their arrogance; close the doors to weapon factories and discharge the soldiers and officers; make the scientists abandon their research on weapons of mass destruction; unite all countries of the world into one country; unite all people as brothers under one faith, where love and peace replace hatred and quarrel. If humanity through their free will executes all these things, they will change the course of their dark history and alleviate the horrific fate that is rapidly approaching.