
2- Death:

In response to the question: “Opinions have significantly varied in defining Death, what is your opinion? Since you believe in the immortality of the soul, does death leads to it losing its tendencies and prior conceptions or do these persist after death?”


Dr. Dahesh responds:
What we perceive as Death, on earth, is a process that is specific to the planet we live on. Through Death, a being transitions from one state of life to another, changing from an old form of appearance to a new one, that might or might not resemble the original, but never the exact form. Since life is an inherent part of the existence of the spiritual Sayyals; and since every living soul is comprised of a number of Sayyals, Death occurs when the last spiritual Sayyal departs the body. As to the process of how Death occurs on earth, it differs in other planets and stars, for each of them has its own laws that govern its specific modes of Life and Death. Despite these variations, however, Death is always defined as the transition from one form of life to another.

As for desires and tendencies, which are active, living, and conscious energies, they do persist as an intricate part of the Sayyals and do not disintegrate with Death. They accompany a being after death in his new form of materialistic appearance, directly affecting his behavior and his life’s paths, including consequent reward and punishment, albeit unconsciously, and without remembering past circumstances.

In light of this truth that we came to realize through the teachings of the Spirit, a wise and enlightened human being must curb his desires, elevate his thoughts, and raise his Sayyals to a loftier level. For thoughts and desires do not vanish from one’s soul at the time of death, and he continues to be accountable for them during the next life form.