The Prophecy of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

The Prophecy of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

A week before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the founder of Daheshism gave a folded “Ramz” placed inside a sealed envelope to Mr. Edward Noon, a lawyer and an ex-Minister in the Lebanese Government. He also instructed him to keep it sealed inside his metal safe. As soon as the American President was assassinated on November 22, 1963, world news agencies and broadcasting networks spread the news of the assassination and all the mysteries surrounding its causes and motives. The Lebanese press resorted to the Miracle Man looking for answers. He directed them to the office of Mr. Edward Noon and instructed them to ask him to open the sealed stored envelope in his safe. On November 28, 1963, they visited the office of Mr. Edward Noon. Once they made their request, Mr. Noon telephoned the founder of Daheshism requesting his permission to open the sealed envelope stored in his safe in front of all the reporters. Mr. Noon opened the sealed envelope and unfolded the “Ramz” paper in the presence of Mr. George Skaff, Edward Hunein, Francis Francis, and Ernest Karam and read the contents that turned out to be a detailed prophecy of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, exact to the hour and minute along with clarifications. The following is its content:

“President Kennedy will be killed on November 22, 1963 during the passing of his motorcade from the airport to the Dallas Convention Center to deliver a speech and Harvey Oswald will be accused of his killing. President Kennedy will pass away at 1 PM Dallas time, that corresponds to 9 PM Beirut time. Which means that he will remain alive only for 40 minutes after he was shot. One bullet will hit him next to his reproductive organs, another bullet in the back of his head, and a bullet will enter his neck and exit from the backside of his head. As to the accused of Kennedy’s killing, he will be killed in turn by a single bullet in the stomach shot by Jack Rubenstein. Harvey Oswald will sway and then fall unconscious at 11:20 AM Dallas time, that corresponds to 7:20 PM Beirut time, on November 24, 1963. Oswald will pass away at 1:07 PM, in the same hospital Kennedy had passed away in. As to why Kennedy was assassinated by Harvey Oswald, its causes go back to previous reincarnations.”

It is worthy to mention here that the day the content of the prophecy was published in the Lebanese “Al-Jareedah” newspaper on November 29, 1963, the location of the bullet penetrations of the American President have not been publicly announced. In addition, the prophecy asserts that the real motives for the assassination are of causes pertaining to reincarnation. Despite the lengthy investigations in Kennedy’s assassination, none resulted in connecting the motives for the killing with any national or international political conspiracy or with any non-personal causes—despite the political circumstances surrounding the Kennedy Presidency were conducive to the presence of such a conspiracy.

I have been assured that many people have received from Dr. Dahesh the same prophecy prior to Kennedy’s assassination by periods ranging from several weeks to several months. They were urged not to open the papers before the specified time fearing that the contents would find its way to the press and thereby creating tangents, complications, and chases that may be damaging.